Eduardo Eidelwein Berlitz
Eduardo Eidelwein Berlitz
Software Engineer

Recent posts

Generating a pt-BR corpus with a wikipedia dump

This is a tutorial on how to generate a pt-BR corpus from the wikipedia dump and how to pre-process it

How to scrap data with Node.JS

Tutorial on how to get all your messages data from the tinder in a JSON format

Installing an updated version of git on RHEL7

How to update the outdated git on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

On-demand entertainment unit

Thotghus about the future of the entertainament

Making your Node.js or JSPM builds faster

This post shows how to implement some very basic cache using symbolic links

Install an npm package directly from github

This post shows how to install an npm package directly from github

[Resolved] Move shelveset to a different branch in TFS

How to move a shelvset from one branch to another

Data Wrangle OpenStreetMaps Data

My personal project in fulfillment of Udacity’s Data Analyst Nanodegree

Obtaining the size of each table in an SQL database

This post shows you how to obtain the size of all tables in a SQL Server Database

Analyzing the NYC Subway Dataset

My personal project in fulfillment of Udacity’s Data Analyst Nanodegree

Using Visual Studio 2015 to build hybrid apps

This walk through will show you how to use Visual Studio 2015 with the Tools for Apache Cordova to create hybrid mobile applications.

JavaScript code in a modular way

This post shows how to create a single JavaScript code to run in browser or Node.js environments